If you’re a freelancer or the owner of an SME in the drones or UTM fields and you have a burning desire for your business to grow, there are a variety of aspects that you need to get right. Chief amongst these aspects is strategic planning, as, without it, you won’t really know a) what your ultimate goal or ideal scenario looks like or b) what measures you need to put into place in order to achieve said goals.
Here we look at just some of the elements you’ll need to consider when putting together the yearly or the long-term strategic plan for your business.

1. Operational Needs
The first thing you’ll need to consider when formulating your drone company’s strategy is your business structure i.e. who is responsible for what. Empowering others with business responsibilities is one of these elements. The clear strategy plan and the execution will include that the team members will know exactly what their duties are and who they report to. The establishment of a structure is also vital, as your employees will benefit from knowing precisely who is steering the ship or flying the drone?.
2. How to Grow the Team
Growing your business sounds like it should be easy, but it involves having a clear internal strategic plan of how to grow your team. Incorporating new staff and giving new responsibilities to them is central to expanding your team, however, you need to ensure that the team members you choose have the capacity and the aptitude to make things go smoothly. Following upon selecting the right candidates, you can keep this kind of insight into your team members by providing regular individual coaching and development sessions.
3. Vision
In order to create a strategic management plan for your business, you need to know precisely what your long-term objectives are. Merely aiming to be ‘successful’ is not specific enough, so it’s important that you nail down exactly where you want to be in the next year also in the long term and what that success looks like. It may seem like an obvious statement to make, but you would be surprised about how many companies fail to give this aspect enough thought.
4. External Coaching
If you find it difficult to formulate your own strategic planning and management support structure, there is help available. It could be that you don’t have the time or the know-how to create your own plan but in either sense, much can be gained from using an external coach from a strategic planning and management support consultancy. Able to provide a third party view and offer vital expertise, they can help with strategic planning of all types.
5. If You Want to Expand, You Need a Strategic Plan
Many small businesses fail within the first few years and the primary reason is that they fail to pay enough attention to their strategic planning and management support. This lack of strategy and company structure is often what holds these companies back, however, with the right application and planning support in the right areas, this job becomes so much easier.
Enlisting the help of professionals is also an option, especially if you’re struggling to implement measures for growth on your own. Strategic planning services offered by companies like Manageld Ltd can be the difference between sustained growth and business stagnation, so any investment you make in employing a specialist strategic planning and management support company will be recouped in the long run.
Hopefully we gave you food for thought in your own business efforts. Click here to find deeper information of the topic and follow us on our social pages.
Do you want to establish a guidance for your business to take?
You understand the important of a strategic planning but don’t know how to effectively apply?
Contact us today to book your consultation to find out how we can help you to set your strategic goal and achieve them all to point your company in the right direction!
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